

Question by  LVGOAG (22)

What is the best treatment for a dog with a tumor on his leg?


Answer by  mpartin (1600)

If the tumor is cancer then you will need to have it removed surgically as to remove the cancer. If the tumor is benign then some vets will leave it until it begans to hurt or cause the dog problems.


Answer by  Lottadogs (1258)

Veerinary care is the only treatment for this. It may involve surgical removal of the tumor, chemotherapy, or radiation. In severe cases leg amputation may be needed.


Answer by  Loyola (378)

A veterinarian must determine first if the tumor is malignant or benign. Most lumps are harmless cysts or fat tissue that has formed a bump, especially in older dogs. If your vet confirms the lump is benign, the lump can be ignored unless it grows or changes. But if the tumor is malignant, surgery is usually the best course.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

It depends on how old the dog is and if the tumor is cancerous. If the dog is young you should probably have it removed.


Answer by  jordandevers (318)

If you think your dog has a tumor, your first course of action should be to take him to the vet for a biopsy. Then removal of the tumor.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

Take it to the vet and let them do a biopsy of the tumor and they will be able to tell you the best treatment for it and if there is pain they will also be able to treat that.


Answer by  ramoskenneth285 (631)

If the tumor is already a cancer,you need to remove it by surgical operation.You should also consult some veterinarian for more help in removing this tumor.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

Your vet will have the final say in this. A lot of tumors are harmless and don't need any treatment. Your vet will determine and keep tabs on this tumor. He will want to make sure it isn't growing if its not cancer. He may suggest surgery.

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