pet health


Question by  diosa12267 (23)

What is normal puppy hernia treatment?


Answer by  Stephen47 (44)

The normal treatment is surgery where the intestine or other organ that has bulged through is gently pushed back and then the opening is sutured closed with a long lasting material. The procedure is generally simple for most veterinarians, can be done in the office and the pup can usually go home the same day.


Answer by  vijayan (63)

umbilical hernia is a condition in which abdominal contents protrude through the abdominal wall at the area of the umbilicus. cause of an umbilical hernia is mostly through inherited. In dogs, there are also hernias involving the muscles that surround the abdomen and they are commonly found at two locations. commonly a congenital malformation is caused by flawed embryogenesis.


Answer by  aks (221)

Small umbilical hernias may close spontaneously in young animals but larger hernias should be repaired with the spay or castration surgery. The contents of the hernia are reduced into the abdomen and the surgeon makes an incision over the hernial sac. The border tissue of the hernia is removed and the abdominal wall is closed.


Answer by  PrncsPrple (237)

I assume you mean a belly button hernia, which is common in puppies. Treatment is decided according to the severity of the hernia. It is up to your veterinarian. It can be left alone, or it can be surgically fixed. I would recommend having the surgery at the same time as a spay/neuter.

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