pet health


Question by  Chris (71)

What is happening to yorkies that throw up?


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

As long as it isn't a thick yellow color or has blood in it they may have just gotten something that didn't agree with their tummy.


Answer by  jswierko (43)

There are many reasons that your Yorkie could be throwing up. Although I'm sure it's nothing serious you should still take him to the vet and get him checked out. If your Yorkie is throwing up, and it consists of mostly just foam and no substance it's probably from dehydration.


Answer by  Cerco (43)

A yorkie that is vomiting could have a number of different ailments. It could be a result of either having ingested a foreign body, pancreatitis due to an offset diet, the beginning of parvoinfluenza virus or dehydration. It can be soothed with possibly a dose of sucralfate or another medication to calm to the stomach. Seek veterinarian attention immediately.


Answer by  Jsmiles (61)

Yorkshire terriers have very sinsitive stomachs. I recommend that you monitor your dog to see if they are consuming something unusual. If this continues, take your dog to the vet.

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