what is


Question by  yutbetsy (2)

What is bodily-kinesthetic?


Answer by  NobodysHome (385)

Bodily-kinesthetic is an adjective which means "having to do with the body and the way it moves." In fitness, it can refer to trying to build physical coordination in combination with physical fitness, but it can also relate to an actual concept from physics. In physics, it means the energy contained in an object's motion.


Answer by  Brandydog (631)

This is someone who learns by forming associations with bodily movement and positioning. For example visual arts and sports likely require some degree of bodily-kinesthesia.


Answer by  slrdgw22 (178)

Bodily-kinisthetic is actually known as "bodily-kinisthetic intelligence". In a nutshell, it means you are 'body smart'. Knowing how to use your body to solve a problem or create something is being bodily-kinisthetic intelligent.


Answer by  dhuoda (1431)

This is a phrase describing how a person manages to combine bodily movements in an effective, smooth and beautiful way. Great sportsmen and women or talented dancers, for example, display high bodily-kinesthetic ability.


Answer by  Paul (25)

Bodily-kinesthetic is the name of one of psychologist Howard Garndner's 7 intelligences. Gardner claims that intelligence isn't a single construct. He argues that we each have various intelligences, and some excel at different ones than others. A person with high bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is a physically gifted person, such as an athlete, dancer, or sculptor, for example.


Answer by  shastie (1601)

It is a type of intelligence defined by the ability to control ones body motions skillfully and handle objects skillfully. People that have this are usually good at sports or dance.


Answer by  Wackonorm (164)

The core elements of the bodily-kinesthetic are control of one's bodily motions and capacity to handle objects skillfully. Robert Gardner applied to his theory of a childs development. It is one of the intelligences listed in his theory of developing minds.

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