what is


Question by  Masheda (36)

What is a viral syndrome?

My good friend was diagnosed with this and I don't know what it is.


Answer by  samster (63)

It is a diagnosis when a doctor is not exactly sure what a person is sick with but has virus symptoms. Classic symptoms include fever, muscle aches, joint pain, being tired and headaches. Typically they can last anywhere from 2 days to two weeks.


Answer by  TJenkins602 (656)

Viral syndrome is an illness caused when a person is infected with a virus. Symptoms include sore muscles, fever, extreme tiredness, etc. They are often like the flu by nature.


Answer by  Bobinski (1652)

This syndrome is a combination of symptoms that are common with viral infections. A doctor might make this diagnosis when the symptoms suggest a viral illness, but the doctor has not been able to identify the specific virus.


Answer by  bubbyboy (9929)

This syndrome is caused by a virus. Antibiotics won't cure a virus infection but there is medications a doctor can give you.


Answer by  Donna41 (61)

A person with viral syndrome will have a combination of symptoms related to a viral infection. A doctor will give you this diagnosis when the specific virus that you have can not be identified. Some of the symptoms related to viral syndrome include fever, muscle aches, joint pain, fatigue, and headache.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

well viral usually means temporary. Your friend needs to schudule a consult and let the doctor explain the ailment to them better.


Answer by  Robbie37 (93)

Viral syndrome is a generic term used to describe a cluster of symptoms with probable linkage to contraction of a virus. It is often the diagnosis made after a CBC indicating increased lymphocytes (a particular white blood cell type) and reduced white blood cells overall (also indicative of viral infection).


Answer by  patty1 (4)

my viral symptoms started with eye infection, then mouth fungus, then body rash (very itchy then sinus infection, into bronchial infection, it has been 2 1/2 weeks now.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

It is something that they have no treament for as of yet and it will usually last between 7 and 10 days and will usually cure itself unless it turns into something that is more serious. If you are still wondering you need to go in and ask the doctor your questions and they will be able to answer them.


Answer by  florence (49)

A viral syndrome,it is a microscopic infectious disease that can spread inside our body. There are many types of viruses and it can be be spread in many ways like in coughing or sneezing,contaminated hands, food and water. But not all viruses can cause disease. People will viral syndrome can be treated with antiviral drugs.


Answer by  sgriffrd (45)

A group of symptoms that your friend is experiencing can be called a syndrome. The doctor feels that these symptoms are viral in nature. Antibiotics will not cure this.

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