what is


Question by  dancollery (17)

What is a streaked tenrec?


Answer by  tigerlily787 (33)

A cute, furred animal that is found in in the central, upward regions of Madagascar, Africa which has black and yellow streaks. The head and body length is up to 19 centimeters long and is an insectivore. It has effective defenses. When threatened, it can can raise barbed quills on its back and on the crest around its head.


Answer by  SuchetaMalikGambhir (234)

Streaked tenrecs are small animals found in Madagascar, Africa. They are distinct as have 2 tone appearance of black background with streaks of yellow running the length of the body.


Answer by  Anonymous

Tenrecs are really good.


Answer by  ThePoltergeist (13)

Tenrecs is a family of mammals that can be found on Madagascar. The streaked tenrec is small (20cm) and looks like a tiny hedgedog with spines on its body.

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