

Question by  Dhana (13)

What is a PC1000 drug diversion?


Answer by  fishy (1085)

This is a minimum 12 week/minimum 30 hour program in California that allows for people to go to classes to avoid jail or prison time for a first offense for drug possession.


Answer by  mnielsen01 (360)

PC1000 (Penal Code 1000) is a program offered in California for people who are arrested with a lesser drug charge. This is a chance for drug offenders to get help instead of strait jail time.


Answer by  cangel818 (981)

PC1000 is a program developed in California for first time offenders convicted for possessing or bening under the influence of illegal drugs. The course takes place of a twenty week period and consists of thirty hours of interaction. There are eight educational sessions and twelve 90 discussion group sessions. Participants must also agree to monthly 1/2 personal interviews.


Answer by  Bryansix (34)

The PC1000 drug diversion program is a rehabilitation plan for first time drug users. It allows first time drug users to avoid a conviction if they complete rehabilitation.

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