health conditions


Question by  thurston81 (72)

What is a hypoglycemic seizure like?


Answer by  MedStudent01 (1131)

A hypoglycemic seizure is caused by low blood sugar. Conditions begin first with lethargy, sluggishness, and altered mental status, and may proceed to seizure if not treated promptly. Symptoms may vary, from an appearance to daydreaming, to alternating contracting and relaxing movement of the arms and legs. Most seizures are not intense as those shown on TV.


Answer by  Deepakck (174)

Hypoglycemic seizure is like normal non epileptic seizures which arise mainly due to neuroglycopenia, which is low sugar levels in brain


Answer by  nooraahmed (42)

Hypoglycemic seizures are much like any other seizure but they are caused by low blood sugars.A patient in hypoglycemic seizure becomes weak, shaky, disoriented, experience vertigo or pass out.


Answer by  axl (12)

A patient in hypoglycemic seizure becomes weak and shaky. In extreme cases patient may become disoriented, experience vertigo or pass out.


Answer by  lady1 (69)

Hypoglycemic seizures are much like any other seizure but they are caused by low blood sugars. To prevent these, try eating 5 small meals through out the day.

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