health conditions


Question by  notcrack (7)

What is a cure for acid indigestion?


Answer by  Sally1049 (158)

Avoid the foods that trigger it, such as coffee, milk, cabonated beverages, citrus and chocoloate. An antacid will treat it quickly. If these don't help, try an over the counter H2 blocker, which helps prevent the acid from forming. If you have more than mild pain, you could have a more serious problem and should be seen by a doctor.


Answer by  KMcRae (714)

Acid indigestion causes great discomfort. It can be alleviated through the use of several medications both prescription and over the counter. If you frequently get acid indigestion when eating certain foods you may want to avoid those foods. If you can't help yourself consult your doctor and they may start you on prevacid or some other medication to alleviate indigestion.


Answer by  DrMom (854)

With new onset it is safe to try antacids such as Maalox, Tums, etc. However, if these do not help you should be evaluated by a physician. Frequent acid indigestion can cause an irritation in the stomach that can lead to ulcers. It can also result in damage to the esophagus which is quite serious.


Answer by  writermomof4 (30)

To stop acid indigestion eat smaller meals, don't eat at least 2 hours before bed, and identify and avoid foods which trigger symptoms.

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