


Question by  van767 (30)

What happened in the mini series Prehistoric Park?


Answer by  Kia97 (20)

Prehisoric Park was a children's series. Nigel Marven, the naturalist, travelled back in time to various eras to bring extinct animals to the present and establish a reserve. With everything from Mamoths to T-rexs, the series showed the zoo staff solving issues with diet, socialisation, and even oxygen.


Answer by  Jonhickman23 (30)

The children's series, "Prehistoric Park," stars Nigel Marven, who time travels to prehistoric times and retrieves extinct dinosaurs and brings them to the present. It's a real fun show!


Answer by  nicholas34 (606)

it was a very unique show that nobody really watched and then when jurrasic park came out they decided to cut it because the movie had taken all the fame and they lost viewers


Answer by  Lmukeeper (262)

A character named Nigel goes back in time through a time portal and observes various live specimens of dinosaurs. He usually traveled to a different geological time zone in each episode to bring back the creature to his present day exhibit. The exhibit was called Prehistoric Park, hence, giving the series it's name.

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