


Question by  rscracker (47)

What do you suggest for a cheap summer outing?

There is no pool nearby.


Answer by  Jo3355 (575)

A fun way to enjoy the summer weather inexpensively is to check out the parks in your area. Depending on where you live, some of them even have waterfalls and beautiful scenery. It is wonderful to be outside to be able to enjoy nature.


Answer by  HawaiianGirl (6906)

you can go out an explore your hometown. Visit a park, museum or other local attraction. Or go out to your local ice cream parlor for a nice cold treat.


Answer by  AnswerGuy33 (11)

A beach or lake is always a good, low cost option during the summer. Relaxation in the sun and the possibility of going swimming always makes for a fine day.


Answer by  yusedalready (92)

Go to a fountain instead and just splash about. You don't always need a pool to wear a bathing suit.

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