

Question by  andeesuemhotmailcom83 (26)

What could cause pain and burning under my arms?


Answer by  Junebug (158)

An allergic reaction to the deodorant you are using, or clothing that is too tight and rubbing against your underarms are two likely suspects. If armpits are shaved, razor irritation could also be the culprit, as well as sensitivity to your bath soap.


Answer by  shirlzie (40)

If you shave your underarms, the pain and burning could be caused by razorburn. Either the razor is too sharp, or there is not enough moisture when shaving.


Answer by  John (9008)

You could have some sort of minor burn (like a sunburn) or rash from a plant like poison ivy. The most likely culprit, especially given where the pain is happening, is an allergy. Many people are allergic to one or more of the common ingredients in anti-prespirants and deodorants. Only a doctor can tell for sure, though.


Answer by  evenground (3)

I have a burning sensation 5/10 from my elbow to forearms with some minor edema. started 2 days ago.

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