

Question by  finvarra (11)

What can cause excessive protein in the urine?


Answer by  cindy (1484)

There are several causes of excessive protein in the urine. All of indicative of damage to the kidney. One of the most common causes is uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. Diseases likes SLE also known as Lupus also can cause this finding. Some medications can damage the kidney and causes this as well.


Answer by  mungbeans (22)

Some causes of protein in urine are short term and not of great concern such as during fever or prolonged exposure to cold or stress. Persistent protein in urine is more concerning and should always be investigated. It may indicate kidney problems. Other possibilities are diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis or hypertension.


Answer by  cindy (1484)

Excessive protein in your urine is caused by anything that causes damage to the kidneys. If you have diabetes, this is a common finding. Other causes of kidney disease include high blood pressure, viruses such as hepatitis and HIV, post-infectious autoimmune attack on the kidneys following streptococcus infection, and autoimmune diseases like SLE.


Answer by  xgeoosh74 (12)

Over exposure to heat or cold consistently, Emotional stress and fever are among the various causes of excessive protein in the urine.


Answer by  Bob53 (414)

Excessive protein in urine commonly is associated with hypertension disorders. These can include primary systolic hypertension and pregnancy induced hypertension. Protein Uria can be an early sign of kidney damage. If you've gotten a lab result that says you have high protein levels, your doctor will probably discuss options and causes.

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