

Question by  vatriala (27)

What are the pros and cons of breastfeeding?


Answer by  arpitbathma01 (262)

breastfeeding is most important for the health and metabolism issue of a child for a long run. It makes the whole metabolic structure of a child. While the figure issues causes problem because of the breastfeeding ,but most of the doctors consider it as a blind faith


Answer by  annie52foof (1459)

The good things about breastfeeding are number one your new born baby bebefits from the mother's first milk. The substance called collostrum protects the baby from certain diseases and strenghthens the immune system, and mother's milk is most natural for her baby. The one draw back may be that the mother may not be producing enough milk.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

One of the pros of breastfeeding is it is considered to be what is best for the baby, providing them with the nutruatents they need at the right time.


Answer by  snessia (991)

Pros of breastfeeding include antibodies for the baby which means protection from sickness of all kinds and protection for mom from sickness including some cancers. Cons can be inconvenience and pain or discomfort in the beginning.

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