


Question by  hernando (30)

What are the most weird foods around the world?


Answer by  dannyg28 (3070)

People in different parts of the world eat different than we do I know they eat chocolate covered ants in other parts of the world and I heard of a friend that went on a survival hike and she ate termites, so it depends on where you are.


Answer by  RachelW (932)

There are many strange food around the world. In some countries in Asia, a delicacy is a fertilized egg, right down to the baby chicken inside. Others eat bugs.


Answer by  sc1234 (1319)

I think that one of the weirdest foods in the world is a product called Mopani in Africa. This is actually canned worms (kind of like big caterpillars) in spices to eat.


Answer by  DraftEm (244)

What foods are weird to us is dependent on our location. For example, in some countries, consuming rats is considered normal, while in the US that sounds absolutely bizarre! The weirdest has to be bull testicles though - that's just plain gross and weird to me, but to others it is a delicacy.

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