

Question by  sathyaraj (26)

What are the different types of dolphins?

I know about bottlenose.


Answer by  idetektiv (208)

Killer Whale, Common dolphin, False Killer Whale, Hector's dolphin, Short-Finned Pilot Whale, Commerson's dolphin, Long-Finned Pilot Whale, Black dolphin,Atlantic Humpbacked dolphin, Haeviside's dolphin, Indo-Pacific Humpbacked dolphin, Southern Right Whale dolphin, Tucuxi, Northern Right dolphin, Pygmy Killer Whale, Spotted dolphin,Melon-Headed Whale,Atlantic Spotted dolphin,Irrawaddy dolphin,Striped dolphin,Rough-Toothed dolphin, Spinner dolphin, Risso's dolphin, Clymene dolphin, Fraser's dolphin, White-Beaked dolphin, Peale's dolphin, Atlantic White-Sided dolphin, Hourglass dolphin, Pacific White-Sided dolphin and the Dusky dolphin.


Answer by  lmm30 (294)

different kind of dolphins are rough-toothed dolphin, short-snouted spinner dolphin, long-snouted spinner dolphin, dusky dolphin, hourglass dolphin, black dolphin, common dolphin, striped dolphin, hector's dolphin, fraser's dolphin, peale's dolphin, southern rightwhale dophin

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