

Question by  ziawaziri (36)

What are some signs of giardia in Greyhounds?

Is this common, what should I look for?


Answer by  CarrotTail (89)

Giardia, in Greyhounds or any breed of dog, commonly causes loose stool and/or blood in the stool. You can diagnose it by bringing a stool sample to your vet. Unfortunately, it is difficult to diagnose and your vet may have to send a stool sample to a lab in order to make sure your dog doesn't have it.


Answer by  Bowling300 (101)

This is a very nasty parasite for the dog to have. It's also very common in Greyhounds. Look for the dog to experience diarrhea all of the time.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

Giardia is a fairly common parasite. It causes diarrhea and often the poop has mucous in it. It is hard to test for, so it's best just to treat for it. All you need is to treat with a special dewormer that also kills giardia.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

Giardia is a fairly common parasite and the most tell take sign is diarrhea. If your dog is having diarrhea and you didn't just change his food then deworming him and treating him for giardia would be a good idea.


Answer by  Clement (1453)

Giardia is a peer-shaped parasite, extremely common in retired Greyhounds. The most common symptom of giardiasis is diarrhoea, which may be chronic or intermittent. Diarrhoea tends to have an `oatmeal' appearance. Usually infected dogs do have appetite but still loose weight. Possible treatment: metrinidazole or fenbendazole. As giardia cysts can remain viable for weeks, strict hygiene is a must.


Answer by  Nancy (578)

Unfortunately this is common. If the dog constantly has very loose, runny movements, I would be highly suspect towards this condition and very tricky to cure even with medication.


Answer by  garymarkle (599)

gardia are single-celled organisms that are usually found in the intestines of animals, some signs to look for are diarrhea, blood in the stool, and is usually accompinied by gas.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

If you notice a difference in texture, coat or color and or also differences in eating patterns, then you know your dog is in trouble and should have giardia. It is not common.

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