home remedies


Question by  Antbak (28)

What are some homemade remedies?


Answer by  j1547 (7)

Here are some tried and true home remedies. Use 1/3 cup vinegar in laundry loads to kill mold and bacteria and eliminate odors. Have peppermint extract on hand (found in the spice aisle) to apply to temples and the back of neck to relieve headaches. Make a mixture of equal parts ketchup, honey, and salt to apply to canker sores.


Answer by  thattractorguy (2970)

Using ear candles is a great one. Instead of going to the doctor, try using them. Also, try taking Magnesium for anxiety or muscle cramps.


Answer by  lynda (95)

I have a great homemade remedy for poison ivy. Just wet a wash cloth, pour iodized salt onto it, rub the spot with the ivy and let the salt sit.


Answer by  BrendaB (5)

My favorite homemade remedy is to grate onion, place in cheese cloth and squeeze till you have juice coming out. Let drip into ear. Great cure for earache.

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