home remedies


Question by  bubba (20)

What are some home remedies for high thyroid levels?


Answer by  collingwood (122)

One of the oldest rememdies for thyroid problems is to take blue-green algae or kelp as both are rich in iodine, which is needed to make thyroid hormones. Primrose oil supplements may also help.


Answer by  noey1958 (1405)

One way to decrease high thyroid levels naturally is to use less table salt. Table salt generally has iodine in it which increases your thyroid levels. You can buy your salt with or without iodine.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Home remedies should not be used for high levels of thyroid. This type of problem should be handled by a physician and probably a blood test should be done. The thyroid control many areas in the body and this should be done by a professional.


Answer by  KIndiraNarasimham (142)

Eating of kelp helps in almost all the thyroid problems. It is rich and natural source of iodine and thyroxine that restores the thyroid hormones. Have lots of cabbage family foods such as broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale; mustard greens etc. as they tend to lower down the thyroid function.

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