

Question by  gaylec54 (30)

What are some good wedding march songs?

I do not want to use the traditional wedding march.


Answer by  wushumhine (11)

You may try to use Canon in D major by Pachelbel, River Flows in You, Do You, When the love Falls, Wait there and Kiss the Rain By Yiruma. I do think Canon can be used in weddings because my of my cousin's wedding. But for me Yiruma's compositions can be used as a wedding march song too.


Answer by  newgeneration (699)

Instead of the traditional wedding march, many couples choose to use a song that has personal meanings to them. It could be a traditional classical piece or a contemporary song.


Answer by  critty123 (24)

Some good wedding march songs other than the traditional would be from: 1. Bach- Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring 2. Mouret- Rondeau 3. Bheetoven- Ode to Joy 4. Clarke- Trumpet Voluntary


Answer by  clair58 (177)

The Wedding March Bridal Chorus Trumpet Voluntary Finale Jesus, Joy of Man's Desiring Canon in D Rondeau Ode to joy Here comes the bride How beautiful I can only imdaging Ave Maria


Answer by  Anonymous

the wedding march by queen ,from the movie Flash Gordon

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