

Question by  dwallain (33)

What are some good color shirts to wear with a black suit?


Answer by  Margaret8 (47)

You can wear pretty much any color short with a black suit and the colors won't clash. White. Any shade of blue or green. Even lavender or pink.


Answer by  L66 (29)

Black suits look great with vivid colors such as pinks, yellows, greens, purples, blues. Black shirts also make a great statement with a black suit.


Answer by  ThomasBranch (12)

Plain white is highly recommended. It will work with any tie and be versatile for other outfits. Pink is another safe color. Red works for people with dark skin.


Answer by  DouglasEarlClore (1236)

The best and most traditional is white. Light blue is also good, as are many pastels and light shades. Pick something that highlights your hair, eyes or accessories.

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