

Question by  kbb1433 (20)

What are some causes of rashes on a dog?


Answer by  VetTech75 (29)

Some rashes are allergies (including fleas). Benadryl may clear some of them up. Others are caused by heat sensitivity. There is also a rash caused by fungus.


Answer by  Robs4thecubs (422)

Some causes of rashes on dogs are ticks, fleas or other such insects. These types of insects suck the blood of the dog and can cause the dog to develop a rash. Another way rashes develop on dogs are through extreme itching or yeast infections. Dogs with heavy fur like golden retrievers often get these.


Answer by  John (9008)

Just like humans, dogs can get rashes for all sorts of different reasons. Sometimes, a rash is the result of a disease, like mainge, which is dangerous and contageous. Another common culprit is a skin allergy. The only way to tell for certain is to consult a veterinarian.


Answer by  Murph (14)

Dogs are very playful and adventuros animals.So one of the main reasons for dog rashes is flith.Dogs can be very dirty by nature.When dirt and bacteria are built up on the dogs skin that will almost always cause a rash.Also some rashes on dogs can also be part of a skin condition on your dog.

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