health conditions


Question by  dfw186 (14)

What are some causes of a bloated abdomen?

For the past several weeks I have had abdominal bloating.


Answer by  kukumbo (20)

The most common cause is the result of yeast or other gas producing bacteria in the gut. While we naturally have these in our systems, and increased levels of these which usually arises when we eat a diet made from high levels of food that is done with yeasts, notably products from bakeries involving dough and yeasts.


Answer by  sharon4595 (650)

Some of the causes of a bloated stomach are too much food that produces a lot of gas, such as beans, beets and other vegtables. Also if your a woman, right before your period most women have bloating.


Answer by  daubachsgirl23 (244)

Abdominal bloating can be caused by a variety of gastrointestinal disorders, water retention, ovarian cysts in women, or some more serious medical conditions.


Answer by  umdoc (30)

some dietary factors may cause bloated is usually cased by a blockage in the pylorus or dysfunction of the cardiac sphincter.some common factors causing bloat include increased age,breed,having a deep and narrow chest,stress,overfeeding,etc.

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