

Question by  Lillith (26)

What are some alternatives for Deramaxx?


Answer by  sarahdf (190)

Deramaxx is used to treat chronic osteoarthritis, which there is no known cure for. Some alternatives for the treatment of this condition would be tramadol, painkillers and cortisone shots. If you'd like to stay away from medications you can try physical therapy, braces and chronic pain classes. Surgeries such as Viscosupplementation or a joint replacement can help as well.


Answer by  cafish (2035)

Arnica is a homeopathic remedy used for pain in animals. Acupuncture is used for some injuries or diseases. Fish oil has shown good results when used on pets.


Answer by  spicykissa (201)

Deramaxx is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug for dogs, usually prescribed for post-operative pain. Any other NSAID should be equivalent and work perfectly fine. Some options include Rimadyl or Metacam, assuming your veterinarian approves and will write a new prescription. Aspirin may also work, though it is not an NSAID and carries different risks.


Answer by  pnavinmdu (3)

Omega 3 and NuVET Plus are some alternatives for Deramaxx. Deramaxx is an anti inflammatory medicine given to animals who have arthritis or other leg or joint problems.

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