

Question by  mike3980 (9)

What are signs that an English ivy is being overwatered?


Answer by  lovelife (998)

Usually the first sign of overwatering is that the leaves will start to turn yellow. If overwatering continues the plant might experience root rot. English ivy actually only needs to be watered about once every two weeks. You will want to make sure to check it regularly and water only if it seems to be drying out.


Answer by  BrendaG (6111)

Leaves will be dry and curl up on ends, eventually turning brown. Leafdrop is another sign of overwatering as is the yellowing of leaves. If the soil plant is in starts to have an odor, this could indicate root rot and should be repotted with fresh soil.


Answer by  mahee (720)

Usually the first sign of overwatering is that the leaves will be dry, curl up on ends and will starts to turn yellow. leaf drop is another sign of overwatering. English ivy actually only needs to be watered about once every two weeks. only we have to put water if it seems to be drying out.


Answer by  ramoskenneth285 (631)

The first sign that your English ivy is being overwatered,is when the leaves of it turns to yellow.Any signs of fungi infestation also a sign of overwatered plant.


Answer by  mcmario2007 (786)

The leaves on an overwatered English plant will turn yellow, and the tips of the leaves may become yellow or start decaying, any signs of fungi and mite infestation is also a sign that you over water the plant.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

The leaves will turn a funny yellow white color and they will have an almost leathery feel to them and they will be all wilted. Also the stems will lose the ability to hold themselves up and they will turn yellow and have a straw texture.

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