
 beauty  skin


Question by  phelips (14)

What are pimples?

I understand that pimples are a condition of the skin but do not understand what they are and what causes them.


Answer by  km8738 (1917)

Pimples are a build up of natural moisture (sweat) and oil that hasn't been able to break through a skin pore due to a blockage of hardened natural oils. Do not pop them.


Answer by  SallyJ64 (3121)

Pimples occur when an individual pour in your skin get clogged. Then oil can build up behind the blockage and that causes the pimple.


Answer by  monkeyz (3150)

Pimples are clogged, irritated, sometimes infected pores. Pores are connected to oil glands which can cause a pore to be overrun with oil (sebum). If this happens, the pore can be clogged and then become irritated and red. Sometimes bacteria can cause acne, in which case it can be severe.


Answer by  DStone (817)

Pimples are pores that are clogged with dirt and oil and can be the side effect of stress, hormones, over active glands or allergic reactions. The pimple grows because your bodt tries to push out the toxins.


Answer by  eric1980 (371)

Pimples can be caused by many things. Most of the time pimples are caused by hormonal changes in the body. When you have any kind of increased hormones in your body it causes your oil glands to produce more oil which results in clogged pores. Food isn't the cause so you can disregard anything you have read about that.


Answer by  pagan23 (1342)

Pimples occur when your pores get dirty and become infected. A pimple is a small puss filled cyst on the top of your skin. Never pick at a pimple and do not pop it until it turns white. Otherwise it will leave a scar.


Answer by  bean11 (2803)

Pimples are a skin condition caused by blockage of the pores by small dirt particles. Since the skin's air hole is blocked up, it causes buildup of air (and sometimes pus) which bubble up in the form of a pimple.


Answer by  Bobinski (1652)

Pimples are caused by the skin and follicles shedding and growing new skin. The dead skin can clog pores. An overproduction of sebum clogging the pores even more. When pores become clogged bacteria develops and causes a pimple. The pores are infected. The bacteria causes swelling and pus develops. Excess oil in the skin can also clog pores.

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