health conditions


Question by  Rajiv (51)

What are lypomas?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Lipomas are the most common non-cancerous growth. They are a collection of fatty tissues under a thin layer of skin and aren't painful. The tendency to them is inherited.


Answer by  michmich2 (195)

Lypomas are fat deposits that can build up under the skin. They can occur anywhere on the body, but are often seen on the arms and legs. They usually go away on their own. However, if they are especially large or are not reabsorbing on their own, they can be removed by a surgeon.


Answer by  Anonymous

I believe my lipoma formed on my forearm as a result of vigorous scratching although I am aware that this is controversial. I know they can grow to be very large but they are benign so this is a relief.


Answer by  jsmith (2067)

A lipoma is a benign tumor of the subcutaneous fatty tissue. They typically occur in adults, but what exactly causes them is still under investigation. Since they aren't generally dangerous, they are removed usually only when painful or for cosmetic reasons.


Answer by  Bobinski (1652)

Lypomas or lipomas are benign fatty tumors. They are composed of mature fat cells. Men are more likely to have multiple lypomas then women. They are usually found on the shoulders, arms, neck and back. The cause is unknown however experts believe there is a genetic link. Injuries such as a blow to the body affected appear to trigger growth.

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