

Question by  mdbruhanyahoocom (7)

What are good names for pigs?

I have a whole litter to name.


Answer by  RachelS (7)

There's (P names) Piglet, Petunia, Porkie, Pork-it, Porkette, Patty, Poinsetta, Pansy and Pinky.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

You could go with classic pig names from television. There are Porky, Babe, Miss Piggy, Petunia, Piglet, Wilbur, Wagner, Gordy, Arnold Ziffle, or Porkchop.


Answer by  maeve (4)



Answer by  Vllad45 (1886)

Its nice to pick a band to name a litter after. I also personally like to name my litters after movie characters, hence the latest: Sweeney, Lovy, Toby, and Beadle. You might also choose rhyming names or Joe Bob, Jim Bob, Sue Bob, Lila Bob, Bob bob, and, of course, Bubba.


Answer by  XYZ77 (128)

If it's a female pig: Jean, Evia, Starr, Eja, Priz, Vishal, Sheeba, Nweh, Milli, Fleta, Hecuba, Teagan, Rhea, Gracianna, Wido, Aida, Nann, If it's a male pig: Keary, Cowboy, Ansel, Hatim, Fathe, Renny, Marl, Eshta, Owen, Laurence, Katrina, Patil, Luis, Aaric, Elem, Marwood, Sami.


Answer by  Anonymous

i like names like petunia piggles piggle - wiggles anything really cute


Answer by  JohnnyQ (85)

Choose names that are unique and that work well together. Pick a letter in the alphabet and use that letter to name all your pigs or choose rhyming names.


Answer by  baluga (147)

You could name the pigs after sounds that pigs make, like "Oink" and "Squeal. " Or you could name them after the Seven Dwarves or other storybook characters.


Answer by  Anonymous

i would say oreo,wilburt,bailey,daisey mae,maggie,wilbur,petunia,princess,lily,sunny,miss.piggy and last mr.piggy

posted by Anonymous
good job i think its cute  add a comment
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