

Question by  worker67 (30)

What are foods that make your stomach look bloated?


Answer by  Doris59 (1647)

One of the main culprits to stomach bloat are carbohydrates. These pesky fellows are in breads, cakes, pastries, pasta, rice, potatoes, potato chips, and cereal. Eat too much of any these products and you will end up with a fat bloated stomach.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower are the vegetables. White pasta's leave you bloated. But I find that whole wheat pasta's don't give you that feeling. Too much fat also causes to feel bloated.


Answer by  sns34 (144)

Foods that cause gas internally will make you look bloated externally. Gas causes your stomach to expand, this shows on the outside. Dairy is usually the largest culprit, but beans and legumes can also cause bloating. In some people vegetables as well.


Answer by  candygurl (60)

Any food that contains a large amount of salt and carbohydrates will cause you to bloat. Try staying away from starchy breads and pasta's or anything fried. Salt causes bloating in the stomach.

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