what is


Question by  seagambrell (91)

What are "familiar spirits"?


Answer by  jovaika (8)

Everyone are unique persons, but sometime people can find similar people to themselves through many fields like behavior, hobbies, same interests about something. Then we say they are familiar spirits. Those persons are usually very good or best friends and they help each other no meter how hard the problem is, they can understand each other.


Answer by  Krissy (178)

Familiar spirits, in regards to ghost folklore, are earth-bound spirits that are helpful and give guidance to those that they follow. Familiar spirits can also provide warnings to those they follow.


Answer by  caporfirio (804)

In the bible these are spirits that know your whole family history. They can curse your ancestors and you may be cursed based on the actions of your ancestors. This is sense as being the work of demons and it is said that when someone has to have a exorcism it is because of familiar spirits.


Answer by  jlwilson6 (1098)

A familiar spirit is associated with demons. It is believed that "familiar spirits" are demons who have familiar spirits with people. A demon who can identify with someone.

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