Questions and Answers About: health treatments

How does breath support work?

posted by  Jenny(23)

What are urate crystals?

posted by  priya26(20)

How do you treat bites from a horsefly?

posted by  michelle58(17)

What is a saline lock?

posted by  sharon52(195)

What is next after failed back surgery?

posted by  feduo8(25)

What kind of antibiotics do you get for a kidney infection?

posted by  momof278(2)

Is it normal to have discharge after thermal ablasion?

posted by  Dcorp(17)

What is the treatment for an annular tear?

posted by  malini(13)

Can you use a copper penny to treat a bee sting?

posted by  amydoll1975(20)

How can you stop gums from receding any further?

posted by  beautyofarose(76)

What is the best soap to use for bacterial vaginosis?

posted by  suze(333)

What are some treatments for fibromyalgia?

posted by  fishtales68(21)

How should I treat an infection of a navel piercing?

posted by  spat440(9)

What is the treatment for candida?

posted by  Louise(94)

How do I treat an ingrown hair in my breast?

posted by  HawaiianGirl(6906)

What kind of medicine can I take to help my oily skin?

posted by  TeacherSarah(34)

What is the treatment for thoracic spine problems?

posted by  ducan(30)

What can I do for the itching caused by a wasp sting?

posted by  baubles75(25)

How can I treat sesamoiditis?

posted by  Diddum(348)

How do you go about treating skin tags?

posted by  jrbaseball06(21)

Does Coumadin cause bleeding?

posted by  srinicse63(8)

What does it mean if a person is passing gall stones?

posted by  CHIRAGSHAH(116)

How major is the plastic surgery on mens nipples?

posted by  Ellen(25)

How is a hyperextended knee treated?

posted by  booradleysfriend(22)

How much does it cost to get an abortion?

posted by  Jon90(31)

Could problems with my spine make my hands numb?

posted by  exliny(21)

What is causing pus to form where I was burned?

posted by  Gracie527(14)

What are the treatments for "water on the knee?"

posted by  7daykatie(27)

How do you treat a finger burn from a light bulb?

posted by  kheath727(16)

How do you get rid of hand fungus?

posted by  Shawn(23)

What are the treatments for Molluscum Contagiosum?

posted by  elmo22(2)

Can cranberry juice treat a UTI?

posted by  squiffy(130)

What antibiotic is used to treat chlamydia?

posted by  spit(45)

What is the purpose of a Buscopan injection?

posted by  Sindhuramesh(21)

What is the best treatment for heat blisters?

posted by  jennybop(254)

Why is Serax prescribed?

posted by  FinanceGuru(10)

How can I make a bruise go away?

posted by  lynn(821)

How do I treat sand mite bites?

posted by  chea(23)

What is the treatment for arthrodesis?

posted by  Daisy(161)

Will a fever during pregnancy cause harm?

posted by  Jonny(45)

What are home remedies for an ear infection for an adult?

posted by  Ali41(1593)

What can I expect after a wisdom tooth extraction?

posted by  mayray(8)

How is the technique over door traction performed?

posted by  brianna(24)

What is the proper treatment for an ingrown toenail?

posted by  kissamedeadly(133)

How do you get rid of a virus?

posted by  bhdickstein(41)

What is a good cure for sunburn?

posted by  balajee(14)

What's the best lice treatment?

posted by  chris8634(8)

When are eye patches used to treat children?

posted by  asdfj99(41)

Does Norvasc help with methadone withdrawal?

posted by  blueyedgirl(1)

What is a mange treatment you could use on humans?

posted by  Chris59(17)

Is it safe to put hydrogen peroxide in your ear?

posted by  ruby(68)

Does anesthesia make you cold after surgery?

posted by  BillT(172)

What is moss treatment?

posted by  aggiegal(41)

What is complex sleep apnea, and what is the treatment for it?

posted by  zig(7)

Do I need a psychiatrist to prescribe medication?

posted by  scoyne88(161)

What surgery is done to repair a hiatal hernia?

posted by  Dave(29)

Is Count a Dose a good product?

posted by  Pennfield(25)

Is boric acid safe to use as a treatment for the eyes?

posted by  worker8935(13)

How do you treat poison oak?

posted by  stef28(6)

How do you cure head lice?

posted by  scoyne88(161)

What is a glucose solution?

posted by  Bernadette(66)

Why would you use an antibiotic eye cream?

posted by  ladybug(21)

What is the treatment for a liver nodule?

posted by  richturk(22)

How can I treat severe sunburn?

posted by  mehul(95)

What can I do for a praying mantis bite?

posted by  mcjim256(25)

Is Nix lice treatment effective and quick?

posted by  Susan86(10)

How do you perform a body flush?

posted by  kingperkins(14)

What are the best remedies for diarrhea?

posted by  jsreyher(49)

How serious is 3B lung cancer?

posted by  al97(12)

How do you unstop a ear that is plugged up.

posted by  DavidC(12)

What can you tell me about gall bladder polyps?

posted by  bam891(24)

Why is my eye twitching after cataract surgery?

posted by  Bronagh(666)

Do you give a newborn water for constipation?

posted by  RustyShackleford(14)

How to recall repressed memories?

posted by  Kenny3243(49)

What should I do to recover from cracked ribs?

posted by  codyp(27)

What is the treatment for a compressed disc?

posted by  Chrisme(94)

How do you lower your blood pressure naturally?

posted by  Adrian27(338)

How to calm symptoms when you have PVS?

posted by  lisa55(71)

How do you get rid of a cyst?

posted by  Majyk(115)

What are the different types of palate expanders?

posted by  sonny23(16)

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