- Short Answers


Question by  someonewhoknows (36)

Should I be concerned that my wife is sad and crying every day?

She seems to be so unhappy.


Answer by  atman (308)

I would be concerned. Every day seems very frequent. Please try to take her to her family doctor. That is usually a good place to start. The doctor can assess her for depression.


Answer by  iris101 (17)

you should be concerned. your wife must be having some problem that she is hesitating to disclosed. you should show some sympathy to her and try to solve her problem.


Answer by  abiramimurali (34)

A girl's mind is just like baby. If you approach her with real love and care,she will get out of her problems. There must be a reason behind her unhappiness find and solve it. A girl is a precious angel so you handle her with pure heart.

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