

Question by  karmachaos (26)

My six-year-old has a strong conscience. Should I do anything?


Answer by  worker4355 (99)

Odds are, he will grow and develop and his conscience won't be as strong as he gets older. Young children are often more sensetive about feelings and emotions than adults, it is part of the growing process. Discuss situations that bother him with him on a regular basis so that you better understand his feelings.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

At that age it's common for a child to have a strong conscience. They tend to always want to do what is right and won't lie. Don't be concerned. If this behavior doesn't go away after a while then maybe you should look into it again.


Answer by  Rose (6804)

Not at all. Encourage him or her to always be honest and to do what is the best and right according to your believes.


Answer by  henners (568)

Yes you should definitely encourage and recognize your six-year-old for exhibiting such strong moral fiber at such an early age. You should also take precautions to make certain that the strong conscience does not lead to overwhelming feelings of guilt or worse, shame. Kids will be kids and will do what they know is wrong so be there to guide.

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