

Question by  annjaialn (1)

My puppy is getting white spots on his coat and is scratching a lot. What could this be?


Answer by  Valentine62 (2131)

He could have parasites or dry skin. Either way, make an appointment for your dog to see a veterinarian. They will most likely recommend a shampoo to wash the dog in, and it may contain oatmeal to soothe dry, itchy skin and prescribe medication for parasites, either Frontline or Advantage.


Answer by  tcat (769)

He could have parasites such as fleas, which cause itching. THere are natural, homeopathic remedies you can get from a store such as petco,or even whole foods. THese would use herbs instead of harmful chemicals. THere is also more powerful chemicals such as Advantage or Frontline. Also you can take him to the vet to see what parasites he has.

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