

Question by  sasikumar322 (15)

My Maltipoo is licking inside her ears. What could be the problem?


Answer by  dingosan8 (407)

Look inside her ears to make sure there is no infection. Check for brown,reddish or yellow discharge. Look for cyts or scratches. Take to the vet so he can diagnose.


Answer by  dipla20 (15)

There could be a dirt formation inside the ears, or there is a chance for ticks or maybe an ear infection. You could check with the vet doctor to find out the exact problem in the ear. The chances of ticks are more in dogs since it is left outside


Answer by  tamkees (3203)

The most common reason for ear licking is ear mites or some other parasite. Sometimes the ears are waxy and need to be cleaned. Other times, the hair near the inside of the ear is too long and is irritating the dog. See your vet to determine the cause.


Answer by  MikeG (1650)

This could be due to a rash or excess ear wax build up. Swab out the ears with a gentle cleanser. If they remain irritated, then try a soothing aloe spray, they are sold at many online pet supply stores and are very cheap to obtain. This should relieve it long enough to heal.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

There could be a number of things in her ears. It could be from wax buildup, maybe an insect crawled into her ear and got stuck in there, maybe she got water in them. Try cleaning it out with a Qtip, if it continues take her to the vet.


Answer by  strawberry (124)

There's probably a some sort of cut or perhaps some food particles inside or outside of his ears. I suggest giving your dog a bath and also looking inside her ears to see if there's anything there.


Answer by  champaign9497 (11977)

She may have earmites and if so she will need to go to the vet they will give you ointment to put in her ears that will get rid of the mites.

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