


Question by  abc33 (8)

It it illegal to keep owls as pets?


Answer by  dwammer (710)

In some parts of the world, is is not illegal to keep owls as pets. In the united States, it is illegal. It is documented that owls do not make good pets and it is not recommended.


Answer by  mpartin (1600)

This varies from state to state. Please check with your city or county government to understand the laws of your state regarding exotic pets.


Answer by  callie13ly (109)

This may vary from state to state but I would imagine that in the vast majority of places keeping an owl as a pet would be illegal. Owls are wild animals and are not considered domesticated.


Answer by  Britt (453)

In the US, yes it is. Private citizens may not keep owls as pets. You have to be a trained, licensed individual who works at a rehabilitation facility, or a breeding program for owls. Even then, the owl will belong to the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service.


Answer by  annie52foof (1459)

It is definitely illegal to keep owls as pets. In fact most wild birds especially the rarer ones are illegal to keep as pets.


Answer by  shall8188 (266)

It is illegal, unless you have a license for rehabilitating them. It is illegal throughout the United States to keep a raptor as a pet.

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