


Question by  Trunkbutt (20)

Is sim card registration mandatory?


Answer by  ijlalnoor (2656)

Yes, it is mandatory in some countries. Many SIM cards are being used the wrong way for many bad activities.


Answer by  TracfoneAgent (64)

Yes. If the SIM card is not registered with the Cellphone service provider, the SIM card is not going to be able to make or recive calls at all due to not being able to conect to the closest towerand becuase the tower is not going to be able recognize it.


Answer by  ijlalnoor (2656)

Yes, SIM card registration is mandatory. The reason for this is that nowadays many frauds are being committed and the government or the law enforcing agencies need to have the information about such people so everyone has to register the SIM card. So i' afraid but you will have to get it registered.

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