


Question by  expresso2222 (12)

Is ring worm contagious?


Answer by  bean11 (2803)

Yes, the ring worm condition has been known to become contagious on occasion. The spreading of ring worm occurs when one person who has a ring worm comes into contact with someone who doesn't. If the "clean" person has an open cut or wound, this makes it very easy for a ring worm to transfer bodies and lay its eggs.


Answer by  DRS (621)

Ring worm is a fungal infection of the skin that is VERY contagious unless it is treated by a doctor. Ring worm is most easily passed by skin to skin contact, but spores can survive on other surfaces and infect anyone with which it comes into contact.


Answer by  kittymum (142)

It certainly is. Ringworm spreads by way of spores from person to person, animal to animal, from animals to people and vice-versa. Skin lesions can be treated with OTC or prescription anti-fungal medications. Also, you must frequently wash/disinfect pet bedding, clothing and bed linens that have been exposed to the lesions until you are certain the ringworm is gone.


Answer by  oceanpearl (164)

Ring worm is a skin fungus that grows in a ring shaped. It is not a worm. It is highly contagious and will spread easily between family members, including pets.


Answer by  dough (326)

Yes ring worm is highly contagious. The infection is transmitted through touch and also oral. The ring worm bateria can invade another person.


Answer by  Darry (3853)

Ring worm is highly contagious. It does not have to do with a worm but is a fungal infection that leaves a circular rash on the infected person's skin that looks like a worm. It is spread both through direct and indirect contact. Therefore bedding, clothing and hands should be washed regularly and infected persons should be kept isolated.

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