

Question by  JoeThePlumber (19)

Is my dog pregnant?


Answer by  Rincewind (239)

The best way to find out an 100 % correct answer is to visit a vet and make an ultrasound.


Answer by  MonkEBusiness13 (29)

The best way to check is to pay close attention to her eating habits. Also, if she is far enough along, you can touch her belly and feel the pups move. If you already know your dog's weight, you can also see if she weighs more than she did a short time ago. Of course, you'll know for sure soon!


Answer by  katharine (3981)

Has your dog been in heat recently? If so, she could very well be pregnant. Dog pregnancies last 9 weeks. Their nipples begin to swell around 3 weeks, and their bellies start to get bigger at 5 weeks.

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