

Question by  dannystanks (12)

Is it safe to get cortisone shots during pregnancy?


Answer by  dj (26)

Yes it is safe. Cortisone mainly exerts its affects in the bodies tissue, meaning that it doesn't work itself into the bloodstream. This means it won't find its way into the placenta. The fetus will not be affected by a cortisone shot.


Answer by  santhosh (20)

Corticosterone is anti-inflammatory drug and suppresses the immune response. Steroids on long term use it may affect the health of pregnant mother. It may reduce the immune function and so oppurtunistic infection may occur. It is always better to consult the doctor before taking corticosterone.


Answer by  wl60423 (23)

Cortisone shots deliver cortisol, which is a natural hormone produced by our own bodies and it would not hurt the baby unless taken too much.


Answer by  ruth (407)

There is no evidence that cortisone is dangerous during pregnancy, however; like all drugs, there are always potential risks. Medication during the first trimester should be avoided and as with all medication, a doctor could be consulted and the pros and cons should always be weighed.

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