

Question by  ouprobablylackthedisciplinetosti (64)

Is Crobar in New York City fun?

I have heard it's the new hotspot.


Answer by  studytracks (44)

Crobar in New York are one of the best nightclubs in New York and yes it is a fun, hot dance, music, DJ, fun after dark, private party space everything is there.


Answer by  cynstres (82)

Wow, Crobar in New York City is the best new hotspot. If you are out to have fun, Crobar is the place to go in New York City. All the hottest young people are there.


Answer by  Jenny25 (939)

Yes, it's actually quite entertaining if you want to see a bunch of drunk people do their thing. It is fun.


Answer by  ryhnobrez (30)

yes, it is a great spot to go to if you want to have a good time and hang out with friends. It is a one of a kind place that is excellent.

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