


Question by  Kim22 (27)

Is bleaching your hair bad for it?


Answer by  Erynn (1651)

Bleaching, particularly for long periods of time, causes your hair to loose it's natural texture. It ends up like straw, and there's no way to repair the damage. A mild bleach not used to often is relatively safe; overuse and strong bleaches should be avoided.


Answer by  CateP (171)

Yes frequent bleaching can damage your hair by drying it out. You should strip/bleach it once and then keep up your highlights with touch ups not requiring bleach.


Answer by  alicia47 (227)

Any type of chemicals on your hair bad. Once you bleach your hair you cannot go back to your natural color for a long time.


Answer by  jmrdflcarpenter (515)

Yes. Bleaching can kill your hair, damage it, make it dry, make it to where your hair wont grow anymore, and it can even make it to where your hair will fall out due to all the ammonia that is in the bleach. I would just stick to hair dye.

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