

Question by  peterwang (41)

In Gene Roddenberry's original text, what was the name of the starship?


Answer by  chilli (126)

The original Gene Roddenberry's star ship resembles USS Voyager. It was made for the short lived comic series Gene Roddenberry's Lost Universe.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

It should be the USS Enterprise and then the name was changed to Starship. It has kept the name Starship up until now.


Answer by  localgirl808 (405)

Originally, the starship was called the USS Yorktown (after the WWII aircraft carrier). Later, Roddenberry settled on the name that was used in the show: the USS Enterprise.


Answer by  darce (125)

In his original text the USS Enterprise was named the USS Yorktown which he named after a World War II aircraft carrier.

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