

Question by  beenthere (10)

In female ragdolls, do hormones affect the coats?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

The ragdoll is a cat, not a dog. The coloration in ragdolls is genetic. Some breeders of ragdolls claim that spaying can affect the growth of the tibia, and perhaps sheen on the fur, I find this to be ridiculous- spaying is always beneficial to the well-being of a cat.


Answer by  katharine (3981)

Hormones can affect many things in the body of an animal, including their coats. If their bodies start producing a lot more or a lot less hormones their coat very well could be affected.


Answer by  Kiffie (10)

Many things can affect the coat of any animal, including nutrition and health issues. Hormones, particularly in a female cat, can affect coat in various ways. A common problem with coat quality occurs when thyroid is under or over active.

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