

Question by  twmdog (21)

I'm feeling head pressure on the top and back of my head. What should I do?


Answer by  annie52foof (1459)

The best advise I think would be is to get a diagnosis from your doctor to find out what is wrong and take his advise on what to do.


Answer by  rosieposey78 (1304)

Anxiety and stress can manifest this way. However, this can also be a dangerous sign of inter-cranial hypertension. Only a doctor can run tests to find out which it is.


Answer by  pinoot1976 (267)

Firstly, if you have never had any medical problems this might just indicate the onset of a migraine or headache. However, what you can do is to take some paracetamol to alleviate the pain and consult your physician for a thorough assessment. In particular, you need to rule out hypertension and related diseases including a cerebrovascular insufficiency.


Answer by  worker6333 (65)

This I wouldn't mess with. It could be a tumor or internal bleeding in or near the brain. If it isn't then great but it's just one of those things where it's better to be safe than sorry.

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