

Question by  sightlistener (24)

If I am treated badly at my word do I have an option to bring legal action aganist them?


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

Who is treating you badly the employees or the employer. If it's the employees then you have no legal action, unless sexual harrassment is present. At which case you should report that to the employer, it he doesn't address the issue then you have bring legal action against the employer.


Answer by  Taai (5)

Extreme situations: yes. Depends on the type of maltreatment accorded and its effects. The gravity of the offence,insult, the harm, damage caused and the after effects of such an event.


Answer by  Gus28 (683)

Yes, you have a option to bring legal action, but you need to speak to an attorney before threatening suit to see if you actually have a case.


Answer by  draiman1515 (156)

Absolutely! This is a form of harrassment. You should file a complaint with the Labor Board should this happen to you, as it is definitely not allowed.

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