- Short Answers


Question by  dantheman3k (39)

I have numbness in my foot and shin, what should I do?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Ideally you need to see a doctor. In the interim I would check your shoes, or anything that may be causing you to experience this, something impeding on your leg. However, if you are diabetic or have had some kind of neck or back injury see a doctor immediately- this is symptom warning you.


Answer by  jsmith (2067)

Although unlikely dangerous in an of itself, unexplained lack of sensation in your extremities could be the sign of a more serious underlying nervous condition. The cause could range from such simple things as poor circulation or pinched nerve to the first sign of a debilitating degenerative disease. The only responsible recommendation is for you to go see your doctor.


Answer by  mommapaige (60)

Consult a chiropractor; surface numbness could mean nerve damage. If your whole foot and calf are numb, seek emergency medical treatment.


Answer by  thattractorguy (2970)

Place a heating pad on your food and shin to increase the blood flow to those areas. Heat can increase your blood flow which decreases feelings of numbness. Also, make sure you are getting enough exercise because this also helps your body with the circulation of blood. If this does not help, get checked for diabetes.

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