what is


Question by  Misstrish (27)

How would you describe the autocratic management style?


Answer by  RoseNy (500)

In an autocratic management style, the manager makes all decisions on his or her own, without soliciting input from staff. This gives the manager maximum control over employees and a given situation, but is risky because it often lowers morale and makes employees feel undervalued. The autocratic manager is seen as someone who acts, but doesn't necessarily think or listen.


Answer by  KarenH (212)

The manager makes decisions unilaterally, rarely consulting subordinates. This may make the company overdependent on one person, who may err. Still, a great manager may make great decisions as well.


Answer by  elynne (1153)

The autocratic style is a very rigid style where all control comes from management and your job is simply to do what you are told. You, as an employee, have little if any say in the decision making process.


Answer by  Qwitzon (578)

Auto-- self; cratic-- ruled. An autocrat is a ruler who rules by their own authority and according to their own opinion. This is the opposite of the distributed leadership model. It is typically perceived as dictatorial and falls prey to amplification of any imperfection in the leader or the leader's information. Not sustainable for large organizations.


Answer by  Key9 (98)

Top down management, where the manager makes all the decisions (without consultation) and tells staff what they are going to do. The common comparison is a dictatorship.


Answer by  Fleshj (403)

Autocratic management simply means one person is in charge of everything and no one else gets an opinion on important matters. It is mostly out of vogue these days but is an effective style when you have un-trained, poorly motivated personnel who need constant direction.


Answer by  dhuoda (1431)

The autocratic manager likes to have control of what happens and does not allow any challenge or questioning of his or her decisions. There is a distinct hierarchy in this style with the boss very firmly at the top. Information is not usually cascaded down to the lower levels of staff and conformity is expected.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

This is management from the top down, with ONE leader- A Directive Autocrat makes decisions unilaterally, of their own self, and keeps close supervision on subordinates. A Permissive Autocrat allows input into the decision making process and allows underlings latitude in how they carry this out.


Answer by  pambam (892)

A manager with this style makes his or her own decisions without discussion with other managers or subordinates. In the Western world this is usually perceived as dictatorial and is not normally well-regarded as an effective management style. In Eastern cultures, however, this style would be the norm and accepted as proper style for a manager.

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