

Question by  SnoChick127 (15)

How should I go about painting pine wood stairs?


Answer by  tkoriginal (90)

As always make sure to sand and clean the wood thoroughly. Then just get your desired stain from the hardware store and apply as directed with a sponge brush or any old brush you grab. Make sure you put plenty of newspaper or plastic down and wear and old pair of dungarees to save those classy threads.


Answer by  Liz59 (10966)

You have to go through a sanding process with all the areas that need the paint. Then you work with a thin layer of paint and move to thick coating.


Answer by  MattCoops (28)

First sand the areas that will be recieving paint. Then apply a thin even coat of paint that is rated for floors. Not just any interior paint will do. You'll need to purchase a more durable paint that is rated for floor applications. The Benjamin Moore paint brand does manufacture a floor paint.


Answer by  marcy (69)

First, make sure the surface is clean and free of cracks, etc. Sand and fill as needed. Then, use a high-quality primer to prime the stairs for painting. Then use a top coat with a non-skid additive.


Answer by  Scot (591)

Begin by using primer on the stairs; it will help the paint to adhere to the wood surface. Secondly, use a durable paint (such as exterior paint) since it is considered a high traffic area. Be sure to use quality paint such as Benjamin Moore in order to reduce the number of coats.


Answer by  oldmom (716)

Use a primer and then a floor paint for high traffic areas. One hint: paint every other step, so that you can use the other stairs while the paint dries. When it does, go back and paint the unpainted ones.


Answer by  psy (12)

First step is to sand the wood, after that you need to prime the stairs. If you will need to use the stairs, painting every other stair will help you achieve that. Paint again using every other stair method using quality floor paint. Color tip: Use a primer in a color that compliments the main color.

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