

Question by  ebryant (2)

How often should I feed my 4 year-old Yorkie?


Answer by  Travis404607 (3916)

Adult Yorkies should be fed twice a day, once in the morning and once in the early evening. They should be fed in accordance with the directions on the food packaging, which generally recommend about two cups of food per meal.


Answer by  Nicki18 (27)

You should feed your 4 year old Yorkie 1/3 to 1 cup of dry dog food and you should feed your dog at least twice a day.


Answer by  gin (366)

It really depends on the dog. If you put his/her food down in the morning and there is still food left in the bowl after 30 put the remaining food in the refrigerator and try again at lunch or dinner time.


Answer by  souldolphindream (835)

I would feed your baby at least twice a day. It is could to have a rountine time for your animals.

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